Submission of abstracts
Authors wishing to present their work at the conference in the form of an oral presentation, poster, or symposium are requested to submit an abstract no later than January 20th, 2012.
Abstracts for individual papers and posters should be submitted electronically, by filling out the abstract submission form. Each author can only submit one abstract for an oral presentation (or one poster). Symposium organisers are allowed to submit an abstract for an oral presentation in addition to their symposium abstract. Authors can be co-authors to other papers as well.
Oral presentations will last approximately 20 minutes. The abstract of an oral presentation or poster should be 2.000 characters maximum (including spaces) and include specific field of interest, issues addressed, methodology applied and results achieved or expected.
Symposium organizers are very welcome to contact before the submission deadline, for feedback on their proposal. The general scheme is a symposium with 4 presentations, lasting for 90 minutes. In some cases symposia may be extended to last over 2 consecutive sessions, involving 7-8 speakers.
Abstracts for symposia should also be submitted through the abstract submission form. The symposium organizer is requested to submit a description of the general theme of the symposium, and list the name(s) of the symposium leader(s) and the individual presentations (title, author(s)). Each author within the symposium should also fill out the abstract submission form.
Priority will be given to symposia where authors are drawn from different institutions and/or countries. Authors whose abstracts have been accepted will be expected to attend the conference and present their work in person.
Last modified: 10 December 2011