Theme, aims and topics
The special theme of the conference is “Analysis and Governance of Risks beyond Boundaries”
- to emphasize that risks are able to travel through the virtual boundaries labeled as “regions”, “territories” and “countries”,
- to promote recent scientific novelties in risk reduction and
- to enhance inter-disciplinary approaches to develop new strategies in both evaluating and coping with well-known and less-known risks.
The special topics for the conference 2014 are:
- Risk analysis and governance of major risks and catastrophic events
Risk perception at individual and institutional level
Risk communication and participation
International and cross-border collaborations in risk reduction
Anthropogenic risks
Safety and security issues
Evaluation of technological disasters triggered by natural hazards
Economic loss estimation and insurance
Risks on public health and food security
Outcomes of policies, regulations and governance of risks
Uncertainty and complexity of risks
New paradigms in risk assessment and risk reduction
Last modified: 10 June 2013