Submission of abstracts
Authors wishing to present their work at the conference in the form of an oral presentation, poster or symposium are requested to submit an abstract no later than January 31th, 2014. *
Abstracts and symposium proposals will be reviewed by the International Scientific Advisory Board. Upon acceptance authors will be notified by March 15th, 2014. The final program schedule will be available at the mid of May 2014.
Submission of abstract for individual paper and poster
Abstracts for individual papers and posters should be submitted electronically, by filling out the abstract submission form.
The abstract of an oral presentation or poster should be 400 words maximum and include specific field of interest, issues addressed, methodology applied and results achieved or expected.
Submission of abstract for a symposium
The general scheme is a symposium with 4 presentations, lasting for 90 minutes in total.
Abstracts for symposia should not exceed 800 words. Symposium abstracts can be submitted by contacting the local organiser at .
The symposium organiser is requested to submit:
- a description of the general theme of the symposium
- a list of the name(s) of the symposium leader(s) and
- a list of the individual presentations (title, author(s))
Each author within the symposium should also submit the abstract(s) through the abstract submission form. This also applies to the Joint Special Symposium of SRA-E & ERSA (European Regional Science Association)
Abstract submission forms
To submit a contribution, please click HERE.
*Submitting an abstract does not mean that you are registered for the conference. The organizers require the commitment of the author or one of the authors of the papers to register for and attend the conference to present the paper. If none of the authors of an abstract have registered for the conference by the deadline, the presentation will be removed from the conference program.
Optional Full Paper
Authors are invited to submit full-length papers which will be assessed for publication in a special issue of Journal of Risk Research (optional). The submission of a full paper is optional; it is possible to present an abstract without writing a full paper.
In regards to the guidelines for full length paper, the committee will use the same guideline as “Journal of Risk Research” uses. Please read more on the web page of Journal of Risk Research
Full length paper must be submitted to, until June 2nd, 2014.
Last modified: 31 January 2014