Brief summary of the launch of SRAE Benelux on 14 March 2016
Brief summary of the launch of SRAE Benelux on 14 March 2016

For our first meeting we had about 40 participants mainly from Academia, Government  and Industry. Active participation took place at plenaries and 3 parallel sessions. The meeting had a strong policy focus with a keynote presentation from the Chief Vet of the Netherlands, Christianne Bruschke, as well as the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment presenting their risk approach, many thanks to all speakers.

One theme that emerged was the need to look more thoroughly into the notion of Uncertainty from legal, psychological and governance perspectives. Conventional risk analysis has sometimes neglected the concept, which is an issue. Equally, the tendency to ''hype'' uncertainties is a challenge to balanced decisions about risks. Another crucial outcome of the meeting is the recognition that education plays a role and that introducing students to cognitive research outcome can help improve the quality of decisions.

Thanks to Randa Kachef there is a great photo album which you can find by clicking here.

It is also our pleasure to announce that RIVM has offered to host our next annual meeting on 20 March 2017. Many thanks to them!

Ideas and suggestions about events and funding are much welcome too.

Last modified: 6 April 2016.