Student Scholarships 2013 awarded
Student Scholarships 2013 awarded

We are pleased to announce two winners of an SRA-Europe Conference Scholarship 2013. Trondheim Conference Studentship Scholarships (each worth €500) have been awarded to:

  • Marijke Hermans,  Department of Technology and Society Studies, Maastricht University, Netherlands
  • Marijke received her award for the presentation:

    M. Hermans:
    The struggle for knowledge: The dynamics of citizen engagement in mobile phone mast siting controversies

  • Eva Lermer, Department of Psychology, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany
  • Eva's award winning presentation was:

    Lermer, E., Streicher, B., Sachs, R., Raue, M., & Frey, D.:
    Risks are more likely when thinking concrete – The effect of construal level on risk estimates

The recipients received their awards, each worth € 500, during the first General Assembly meeting of SRA-Europe at the Annual Meeting in Trondheim, out of the hands of SRA-Europe’s president Margôt Kuttschreuter.

Last modified: 30 June, 2013