June 13, 2018

Postdoc Position at The University of Bergen (Norway) / Department of Psychosocial Science from 1 January 2019. Fixed-term period of three years, affiliated with the project "AlerT: Awareness Learning Tools for Data Sharing Everywhere".

More information can be found at:

April 1, 2018


Next annual meeting of SRA-E - Benelux:

25 March 2019,

University of Luxembourg, Luembourg

September 24, 2017

XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology: Toronto, Canada, July 15-21, 2018. Deadline submission of abstracts: 30 September 2017.


February 15, 2017

Please register for the second annual meeting of SRA-E - Benelux, to be be held at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment - RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherland, 20 March 2017,10 am-5 pm (followed by reception) 

February 10, 2017


17 - 20 June 2018

SRA Europe conference in Ostersund, Sweden.


The Society for Risk Analysis - Europe aims to bring together individuals and organisations interested in risk assessment, risk management and risk communication in Europe

The Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) is an interdisciplinary society which addresses emerging issues in risk analysis, management and policy. It operates world-wide and it has many International Section.

The Society encourages those interested in all aspects of risk analysis to communicate, collaborate and develop new methodologies for risk analysis and risk management. SRA-E emphasises the European dimension in the promotion of interdisciplinary research and education, and in practical application in industry and Government. It provides a platform for academics, policy makers and industrialists to discuss future directions, to understand concerns about risk from both public and scientific perspectives, to promote efficient risk mitigation and to develop effective communication about hazards.

Last Modified: 15 January 2014

Getting to Mid Sweden University

Getting to Mid Sweden University

Find Mid Sweden University on the map

The Mid University campus is within walking distance from all hotels in the town centre. 

Bus no. 2 departs from Kyrkgatan / Gustav III:s torg 2 at 8:30 and every 30 minutes until 19:30, thereafter every hour until 22.30. Travel time to bus stop "Campus" is about 5 minutes. The return trip is about 20 minutes due to the bus line being a loop. Departure times are a few minutes after departure from Kyrkgatan.

Taxi Östersund can be reached at +46 (0)63 199 000.


Last modified: 14 June 2018


Preliminary programme conference Östersund available

Preliminary conference programme Östersund, 18-20 June 2018, available

The PRELIMINARY conference programme is available. Changes are expected to occur. Session chairs have not yet been appointed.

The programme can be found here:

PRELIMINARY browsable agenda (with abstracts)

PRELIMINARY detailed programme

Last modified: 31 May, 2018

Programme SRAE-Benelux chapter meeting, 26 March 2018, Mol: Belgium

Preliminary programme SRAE-Benelux chapter meeting available

The meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe Benelux regional organisation will be held on March 26, 2018 at Lakehouse SCK-CEN in Moll, Belgium.

The preliminary programme of the SRA-Europe Benelux regional organisation is now available. Please click HERE for the programme and other relevant information.


Last Modified: 21 February, 2018

2nd Risk & Uncertainty Conference

Deadline submission of abstracts 2nd Risk & Uncertainty Conference: March 8, 2018

The 2nd Risk & Uncertainty Conference will be held in Amsterdam, 12-14 June 2018. It is the follow-up of the successful inaugural meeting in Cambridge, 2017.

This year's topic is "Contested Facts: how to communicate with the public and other stakeholders about controversial issues where competing information exists about risks and uncertainties".

We invite you to submit a structured abstract no longer than 350 words on this year's topic. Deadline March 8, 2018. Participants will receive a notification of acceptance before April 1, 2018.

For more information please go to https://rucamsterdam.org.

Registration for our conference in Östersund now open

Registration for our conference in Östersund is now open

Registration is now open. Deadline for Early bird is 16 April and deadline for registration is 16 May.

Register here: www.conference-service.com/SRAE2018

Last modified: 17 February, 2018

Dates conference 2018 and Call for papers

Call for Conference 2018: 18-20 JUNE 2018, Östersund, Sweden


Our next conference will be held in Östersund, Sweden, 18-20 June 2018. All information on our conference in Östersund can be found on the website of the local organisers in Sweden: http://www.miun.se/srae2018

The most important information will be posted on the conference page of our website: www.sraeurope.org as well.

Call for Abstracts

The conference organizers of SRA-Europe 2018 are inviting proposals on the topic of this year’s conference: Risk & Uncertainty – From Critical Thinking to Practical Impact

All questions can be addressed to rcr@miun.se

Last modified: 21 February 2018

Call for abstracts: 2018 meeting of the SRA-E Benelux Chapter

Call for abstracts: 2018 annual meeting of the SRA-E Benelux Chapter

The Society for Risk Analysis Europe Benelux- Chapter kindly invites you to register for its third annual conference to be held on March 26, 2018 at Lakehouse SCK-CEN in Moll, Belgium.

This year’s theme is “CHANGE IN RISK – RISK IN CHANGE”. We invite professionals from academia, policy and industry to participate and share with us their reflections and current work on this theme. Participation for this event is free.

This call for abstract invites authors to submit abstracts from papers that engage with the interconnected processes of change in risk and risk in change. The connecting thread is the broad process of risk analysis, in which science and policy come together. We therefore welcome topics on different levels of analysis and from diverse perspectives: operational and organisational; theoretical; methodological; and empirical.

Procedure submission of abstracts and registration

Abstracts for individual oral presentations and symposia that are not restricted to this year’s focal theme but those that are within the scope of the SRA-E-Benelux’s research agenda, will also be considered. Potential topics include: risks to human health and the environment, digital risks and security, risk perception and communication, risk ethics, risks and regulation, and risk literacy and education.

Abstracts (maximum 250 words) must include a title, the names and affiliations of all authors (presenting author underlined), and maximum five keywords. The abstract should be sent to srae_benelux_2018@SCKCEN.BE

The deadline has been set on December 17th. 2017.

All abstracts will be reviewed by the SRA-E-Benelux Conference Review Board. Acceptance notifications will be sent by early February 2018.

For more information please follow the link HERE. You can also register by following this link.


Last modified:  8 November, 2017


3rd Nordic Chapter Risk Conference 2-3 November 2017, Helsinki, Finland

Call for abstracts to the 3rd Nordic Chapter Risk Conference

The third Nordic Chapter Risk Conference will be held in November 2-3, 2017 at Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland.

The Nordic Chapter of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe (SRA Europe) invites abstracts to the 3rd conference which will be held at Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, November 2-3, 2017. The University can be reached from Helsinki by bus (20 minutes). Please submit your abstract by September 15th, 2017.

The theme of the conference “Risk and Security” highlights the role risk plays in relation to security. Security concerns and related risk issues are today in the heart of organizations, governments and international institutions. There are however, no simple ways to deal with these concerns and issues and conventional risk assessment methods are challenged by the need for new concepts and tools to properly handle security risks.

For more information, please see: https://blogs.aalto.fi/risk2017/



Last modified: July 1, 2017.

Invitation to take an active role in SRA Europe

Invitation to take an active role in SRA Europe e.g. as Board member

SRA Europe is a non-profit organization that aims to bring together individuals and organisations interested in risk assessment, risk management and risk communication in Europe. Our main activity in this respect is, of course, the SRA Europe conference, that is held annually at varying locations within Europe.

As an organization SRA Europe depends on the efforts of a small group of researchers and other professionals who are willing to put in some of their time and energy. These individuals come from different countries and represent different disciplinary backgrounds, interests and expertises. Ways to contribute vary, including such tasks as joining the Scholarship Committee, taking on board functions such as treasurer, secretary or president, taking responsibility for the content of the website or organizing the annual meeting.

The affairs of SRA-E are conducted by a Board (also called the Executive Committee), comprising eight members. By June 2017, there will be two positions available in the Board of SRA-Europe. To fill thess positions, the Board welcomes suggestions for good potential candidates.

The duration of the Board membership is 5 years. The responsibilities of the board members are distributed among the board members, mostly on a 2-yearly basis. Serving on the Board means attending 2 physical meetings a year, one of which takes place during the annual conference. Additionally, there are approximately 4 to 5 telephone or skype meetings. Depending on the position within the Board a board member is expected to take care of specific tasks which relate to his/her responsibility.

Election and appointment will take place during the General Assembly meeting that will be be held in June 2017 during the conference in Lisbon, Portugal.

The Board is happy to answer questions from potential candidates or from those who wish to nominate them. You can contact the Board at sraeurope@eu-vri.eu.


Last Modified: 23 November 2016
SRA-Europe encourages setting up Regional Chapters

SRA-Europe encourages setting up Regional Chapters


The SRA-Europe encourages members to set up Regional Chapters. SRA Europe is willing to provide financial support to the Regional Chapters for activities related to the organization of workshops, courses, travel, accommodation and other activities that fall within the scope of SRA-Europe.

Applications for funding should be limited to one page describing:
  • the reasons for SRA-E to cover the expenses and
  • a detailed overview of the costs (only direct costs are funded).

Please mind the following conditions:
  • The amount of support cannot exceed 5 KEuros for each request.
  • Requests for funding grants should be made in advance of the expenditures or commitments.
  • Requests can be made at any time during the year, and should be submitted by email to the SRA-E Secretary.
  • There should be a single point of payment for the funding grant.


Last modified: 10 Ferbuary, 2017
