Outline and programme 2010 Annual Meeting in London

The 19th SRA-Europe Annual Meeting will be held in London, 21-23 June 2010. The 2010 Annual Meeting aims to facilitate interaction among all actors in the field of risk: academics from across the disciplines, policy makers, the private sector, NGOs and other interest groups. 

The conference theme will span across the broad range of risk issues, ranging from risk analysis to risk perception, and from risk communication to risk management and risk governance.

The special theme of the conference will be ‘Risk, Governance & Accountability’. This theme reflects the increasing centrality of risk analysis to decision-making and the increasing demands by the public for decision-makers to account for outcomes.

The call for papers to the conference has resulted in a very positive response. Over 125 individual presentations and 16 mini-symposia are scheduled in the conference programme. We are pleased to see so many countries represented, from Europe as well as from other continents. Click here for the preliminary programme.

Each conference day will open with a plenary session with keynote presentations, followed by parallel sessions of oral papers, round-table discussions and symposia reflecting particular themes of interest.

Keynote speakers include: Julia Black, Jon Daniellson, Baruch Fischhoff, Ethel Forsberg, Alan Irwin, Mikael Karlsson, Ronan Palmer, Nick Pidgeon, Geoffrey Podger, Michael Power, Steve Priddy, Tim Smith, Kip Viscusi, Steve Wearne and Jonathan Wiener.

Registration for the conference is open and full details are available here. Remember: SRA members who choose to be affiliated to the SRA-Europe Regional Organization (40 dollars) when they renew their 2010 membership, will receive a reduction of 50 pounds (currently approximately 75 dollar) on the conference fee.

Please direct any questions to the local organiser at SRAE@kcl.ac.uk

Last Modified: 17 May 2010